June 2018
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What is the Social Emotional Wellness Snapshot?

The Social Emotional Wellness Snapshot is focused information that will be offered five times in the school year. The purpose is to support leadership capacity and increase awareness and understanding of social emotional learning and its importance in a healthy community.
how does Social Emotional Wellness support inclusion?
As classrooms become more diverse the need to ensure children develop pro-social and emotional skills and create positive peer relationships in these heterogenous settings becomes essential. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is aimed at developing these skills. 

SEL is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to:
- understand and manage emotions
- set and achieve positive goals
- feel and show empathy for others
- establish and maintain positive relationships
- make responsible decisions

CASEL (Collaborative for Academic and Social Emotional Learning

how does Social Emotional Wellness support Learning?
Before students can focus in class and work through challenging problems—in academics or in life—they need to be taught how to manage emotions, face frustration with patience and determination, and seek help when needed. Teaching social-emotional skills gives students the strong foundation they need to learn and live better.
Student's learning does not occur in a vacuum, but instead at the messy intersection of academic, social, and emotional development. Their learning is helped (or hindered) by the quality of their relationships and the contexts in which they live and learn. Schools that understand this complex reality, work to weave these threads together.
Social Emotional Wellness Benefits  Educators TOO!
Teaching SEL will start to have a positive effect on student behavior in the classroom. When students learn how to manage themselves and interact well with others, teachers can spend less time addressing behaviour, and more time doing what they love: engaging students with their learning.

“Before I started working with SEL, sometimes I got so stressed that I lost contact with my original intention for becoming a teacher. SEL has rekindled that light inside of me. It’s the light of why I became an educator in the first place—to help students connect with their dreams and aspirations and become better people who contribute to the world in a positive way. That’s the power of the SEL lens; it fosters purpose, meaning and deep connection.”
social emotional wellness advocates

Did You Know?

 In the 2017-2018 school year Learning Support put out a call for Social Emotional Wellness Advocates. We had Advocates representing 28 of our schools this year. The role of the advocate is to create dialogue, share information and explore resources with their colleagues. 

If you feel comfortable teaching SEL, are interested in furthering our own skills in SEL and notice that there is an interest at your school to learn more about  SEL you would be the perfect fit for an Social Emotional Wellness Advocate for the 2018-2019 school year! 

"I just want to thank you and your team. You were motivational, respectful and really open to future possibilities with this team. You provided us with a planned, yet open vision to explore this wide ranging topic. I enjoyed every session and will definitely put my name forward to be an advocate for our school again next year."
Middle Development Index Survey
The Middle Years Development Instrument (MDI) is a self-report questionnaire that was completed in 2016-2017 by grade 4 and 7 students in our district. It asks them how they think and feel about their experiences both inside and outside of school. 

When given the following descriptions of important adults: 
1. an adult who really cares about me
2. an adult who believes I will be a success 
3. an adult who listens to me when I have something to say 
80% of grade 4's report having 1 or more important adults at school and 20% report having no important adults at school. 
60% of our grade 7's report having 1 or more important adults at school and 40% report having no important adults at school.
We will once again be offering the opportunity for grade 4 and grade 7 students to participate in the MDI in January/February of 2019! For more information contact your school administrator. 

Watch for next SEW Snapshot in October 2018!!

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