February 2023 AgriService BC e-Bulletin
Islands Agriculture Show 2023 "Growing Stability in Uncertain Times" We are excited to announce the 2023
Islands Agriculture Show will be held February 3rd & 4th, 2023 at Cowichan Exhibition in Duncan, BC. The IAS team is working on another great lineup of conference sessions that reflect this year's theme: "Growing Stability in Uncertain Times". Thank you for your continued support of the
Islands Agriculture Show and its promotion of agriculture on Vancouver Island and we‘ll see you there!
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Farm Financial Fluency Training Programs for Canadian Producers Farm Management Canada and MNP have joined forces to offer two Farm Financial Fluency training programs for Canadian producers. The programs consist of three 2-hour sessions spaced out to allow time for reflection and homework, covering: - Why financial reporting is important and to whom - Key differences between types of financial reporting and who uses what - Different farm business structures and their impact on financial reporting - How to interpret your financial statements (balance sheet, income statement) - Financial ratios and how to use them to analyze risk - How to spot potential financial issues and opportunities - Tools and resources available to manage financial risk General TrainingWhen: February 13, 15 +17 from 10 am-12 p.m. PST Where: Online Cost: $250 + HST Dairy TrainingWhen: February 27, March 1 + 3 from 10 am-12 p.m. PST Where: Online Cost: $250 + HST For more information, please
visit: https://fmc-gac.com/fff/
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From The Ground Up Conference & Trade Show
For Primary Producers and Processors From the Ground Up Conference features a full day of interactive panel discussions that focus on how to successfully expand a growing B.C. food and beverage business (for Primary Producers and Processors). From the Ground Up Trade Show is the only 100% B.C. trade show connecting our local brands to multiple market channels (for those who have food, beverage and other primary processed branded products). This industry-only 100% B.C. local trade show connects new and innovative B.C. food and beverage brands to buyers, distributors, brokers, chefs, media, and other food industry supporters to showcase and support the incredible processors, producers, and food landscape right here in B.C. The first 30 exhibitor registrants will have one of their products reviewed by a panel of
five industry experts. As a trade show participant, you receive one or two complimentary tickets to the From The Ground Up Conference that takes place the day prior to the trade show. Conference DetailsDate: May 17, 2023 Location: Vancouver PNE
Forum Link: https://goodtogrowproducts.com/events-2/conference/Tradeshow DetailsDate: May 18, 2023 Location: Vancouver PNE Forum Link:
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| Irrigation Workshop The Ministry of Agriculture and Food is holding an irrigation workshop in Kamloops, open to anyone able to attend in person. The focus of the workshop will be presenting irrigation technology and options/ways for producers to increase their water use efficiency. There will also be a representative from the Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC (IAF) who will be presenting on the Environmental Farm Plan and Beneficial Management Practice programs. When: February 8, 2023 at 1:00 pm. Where: Privato Vineyard and Winery 5055 Westsyde Road, Kamloops, B.C. Cost: FREE For more information, please
email: William.Shaw@gov.bc.ca
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SSMPA Regional Gathering
When: February 5, 2023 Where: Cowichan Ag Society Hall 5855 Clements Street, Duncan What: Sessions will cover topics including the new Farmgate license program, Animal health/nutrition/welfare, SSMPA updates with time for informal discussion and socializing. Visit:
www.smallscalemeat.ca for more details. | Mid-Island Farmers Institute Farmer Connect
When: February 25-26, 2023; 1-4pm Where: Merville Hall 1245 Fenwick Rd, Comox Valley What: Farmer Connect is organized for farmers by farmers and will consist of sessions for veggie growers, flower farmers, meat producers and more. Bring your questions, your ideas and even your frustrations and leave with some resources for the upcoming season. For more information, please contact them on
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1149132852462786?active_tab=about
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| Grow Your Farm Business Workshop A small in person workshop is being held for newer farmers, small scale farmers or niche market farmers who are wanting to grow their farming business. Kerry McCann from Laughing Crow Organics in Pemberton will discuss the decision making and practical lessons learned as Laughing Crow went from just a few greens about 9 years ago to now selling a lot of produce at two farmers markets, a substantial CSA and a farm stand along with a few agri-tourism ventures. Chris Bodnar from Close to Home Organics will discuss practical business development lessons including cost of production, pricing and riding out rapidly changing market conditions. When: February 11 from 8:45 AM to 4:00 PM Where: Abbotsford Agriculture Centre, 1767 Angus
Campbell Road, Abbotsford, B.C. Cost: FREE For more information, please contact:
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| Dam Safety Training This free webinar will focus on dam consequence classification and will include instructions on how to re‐determine your consequence classification per the regulation. The webinar will discuss when it is appropriate to either increase or decrease the consequence, and how that impacts your responsibilities as a dam owner. A review on emergency response will also be included. Date: February 13, 2023 Location: FREE Live
Webinar Link: https://interiordams.com/damsafetytraining/
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Sector Snapshots 2021 Now Available
The Ministry of Agriculture and Food has now released the
Sector Snapshots for 2021 online. Sector Snapshots provide highlights of provincial economic data for the sector, separated into four documents: • Agriculture • Food and Beverage Manufacturing • Seafood • Agriculture, Seafood and Food Processing Sector Snapshots are developed based on data collected from various sources, including ministry annual seafood surveys. These surveys produce data unique to B.C. that is important for a wide range of stakeholders. You will also find detailed statistics for 2021 on crops, livestock, seafood, farm finance, labour, exports, manufacturing, and other topics on the same page, in a format you can download. For more information, please
email: AgriServiceBC@gov.bc.ca
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| First Plant of the Year! Happy New Year from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food's Plant Health Laboratory! Like hospitals around the world that share a photograph of the first newborn baby of the New Year, here is a photograph of the first plant of the New Year that was submitted to the Lab, a saffron. Our Plant Pathologists will conduct a full plant health analysis for the grower, including entomology and pathology assessments. A plant health diagnosis is the first step in taking corrective action to manage plant disease issues. Crop damage from pests such as insects, fungi, bacteria and viruses reduce crop quality and yield, increase the cost of production, and lower economic viability. For more information
visit: www.gov.bc.ca/planthealthlaboratory
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| Small-Scale Meat Industry Insurance Survey The Small-Scale Meat Producers Association is undertaking an industry survey, funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, to learn about insurance challenges farmers, ranchers and the regional meat cutting businesses that serve them face. The survey is anonymous and the information gathered will be aggregated and used to ensure that we are accurately representing the experiences and needs of the industry in our work with regulators, the insurance industry and other stakeholder groups. The survey will remain open until February
28th.Small-Scale Meat Industry Insurance Survey
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Provincial Seafood Processing Capacity Assessment The Ministry of Agriculture and Food has contracted G S Gislason & Associates Ltd (GSG) to undertake a provincial seafood processing capacity assessment. The study aims to assess the current state, competitiveness, and needs of seafood processing in B.C. The goal is to better understand the opportunities and barriers to enhancing seafood processing capacity, in order to develop an action plan for industry and government collaboration to increase processing capacity and innovation for B.C. caught and grown seafood. GSG has been interviewing key seafood industry members for input into the study. If you wish to provide input to the study, please contact Gordon Gislason at
gsg@gsg.bc.ca, (604) 685-7936. The project ends on March 24, 2023.
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| Knowledge and Technology Transfer Program
The Knowledge and Technology Transfer Program is scheduled to open its 2023 Spring Intake mid-March. Organizations are encouraged to begin thinking about events/activities they may be planning for 2023/24 and reach out to their local Regional Agrologist to assist with the planning and application process. Please check the website for updates and review the 2022-23 Program Guide (an updated 2023-24 Program Guide will be available shortly).
New this year, the online application form will require a
BCeID to provide the applicant the ability to save and return to their application. Consider signing up for a
Basic BCeID now, if you haven't already, to save time later. For more information, please visit the
website: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/industry/agriculture-seafood/programs/knowledge-transfer-events
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Applications for the Light Reflecting Materials Program - OPEN The Light Reflecting Material Program (LRM) provides 50% cost-shared funding, for producers to purchase light reflecting materials (LRMs). Materials must be purchased from approved sellers for installation and use in the 2023 growing season. Research and practical demonstrations show that light reflecting materials improve colouring and enhance product quality when apples are harvested at the proper ripeness (e.g. not overripe due to delays in harvest to attain higher colour saturation). This program is delivered under the new Tree Fruit Industry Stabilization Plan (TFISP), with support from the Steering Committee and administered by the Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC (IAF). Applications accepted until March 15, 2023 at 4:30pm PST. Applications will be reviewed and
approved on a first come, first serve basis until funding is fully allocated. For more details, including eligibility information, and how to apply, visit:
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| BC Farm Worker Safe Isolation Program Employers who provide housing to farm workers, including on-site camping, are responsible for supporting the accommodations and day-to-day needs (e.g. food) of self-isolating workers due to COVID-19. With the recent increase in COVID-19 cases, we remind employers that
the BC Farm Worker Safe Isolation Program is available until March 2023. Employers can apply for up to $3000 for each farm worker supported to safely isolate in a hotel or motel.
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| Want to grow your farm or food business?
AgriService BC Phone: 1-888-221-7141Email:
AgriServiceBC@gov.bc.caAgriService BC connects farmers, food processors and new entrants to agricultural services, programs and information that can help them succeed.
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