CCF News Bulletin for Thurs, Aug 3rd
Canada-China Focus
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China-Canada/World Relations

Peoples Dispatch: "The politics of hedging and post-hedging in the Indo-Pacific"

Published: July 19, 2023
Written by M.K. Bhadrakumar

"ASEAN countries are choosing their own path, which is not to choose sides between the US and China. Simply put, the Southeast Asian states want a stable geopolitical environment to focus on their economic development and do not want to be forced to “take sides” in any hegemonic rivalry"




New Report from Pew Research Centre

"This Pew Research Center analysis focuses on public opinion of China and President Xi Jinping in 24 countries in North America, Europe, the Middle East, the Asia-Pacific region, sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. The report explores views of China’s role in the world, including as an economic power, and perceptions of Chinese soft power."

Published: July 27, 2023
Written by: Laura Silver, Christine Huang, and Laura Clancy

"China’s Approach to Foreign Policy Gets Largely Negative Reviews in 24-Country Survey. Still, views of China – and its soft power – are more positive in middle-income countries"





Nikkei Asia: "China's public can be a moderating influence on U.S. relations"

Published: June 29th
Written by: Jia Wang

"Though the prevailing views expressed in China's tightly policed public forums have remained nationalistic, the government must know that a surge in support for a less confrontational approach may signal a wider trend given how few are willing to speak up against mainstream narratives. These voices, though they may appear faint, tend to resonate and may be helping to nudge Beijing down a more cooperative path."
Foreign Interference in Canada

WengCouver: "How serious is Canada about combating foreign interference?"

Published: July 23, 2023
Written by: Ng Weng Hoong

"For now, Canada and India can pretend to have kept a lid on their quarrel owing to China’s emergence as a threat to both countries. Canadian pundits, as illustrated by the Globe and Mail’s lack of comment on Nijjar’s murder, are too invested in the China Threat story to highlight the influence of other countries in Canada’s increasingly complex domestic politics."




The Maple: Olivia Chow The Latest Target Of Anti-China Media Witch-hunt

Published: July 19, 2023
Written by: Alex Cosh

"The attacks on Chow are some of the most ludicrous and thinly-evidenced contributions to the ‘Chinese interference’ narrative to date."





New from The Maple: Launch of Deep-Dive Series on ‘Foreign Interference’ Narratives

"Too often, the spectres of 'foreign interference' and 'disinformation' are invoked to reinforce the 'national security' state apparatus, shut down democratic dissent against Canadian foreign policy, and explain away serious problems within Canadian society as being solely the handiwork of foreign agitators. These narratives can also whip up racism and feed conspiracy theories. This series will ask why 'foreign interference' is portrayed as such a menace when it is allegedly exercised by certain countries and actors, but quietly permitted and/or completely ignored when it is done by others."

In person event in Toronto:
"Political Participation of Chinese in Canada: Towards Deep Integration"

Date: Thursday, August 31
Time: 6:00-7:30 pm
Hosted by: The Richard Charles Lee Canada-Hong Kong Library, UToronto Libraries
Address: Robarts Library 8th Floor, 130 St George Street, Toronto.
Admission Free, Registration Required.

More info and registration available at: