CCF News Bulletin for Thurs, May 18th
![CCF News Bulletin for Thurs, May 18th]() |
May is Asian Heritage Month! We encourage you to check out events in your local community celebrating the culture and histories of peoples across the Asian continent, and to support Asian artists, writers, creators, businesses, and organizations. During this month we also honour the activism of people of Asian descent since the beginning of Canadian history against racism, sexism, and multiple other forms of oppression. We celebrate the wins and gains that have been made, and stand in solidarity to advance justice today.
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Published: May 16th, 2023 Written by: CCF Advisory Member John Price
"Brophy‘s observations may echo loudly here in Canada. CSIS (the Canadian Security Intelligence Service) has been aggressively marketing the “China threat” for years. Australia and Canada are both closely allied to the United States, and they are both members of the Five Eyes spy alliance that also includes New Zealand, the U.K., and the U.S. China Panic thereafter probes how both the left and the right in Australia became obsessed with China, to the detriment of good policy."
Published: May 16, 2023 Written by: Eddie Goldenberg
"Despite China‘s hostage diplomacy in the infamous case of “The Two Michaels” and Beijing‘s possible attempted interference in Canada‘s last two elections, “we cannot ignore the essential role China must play in addressing overarching global issues like climate change and human health, where there is no room for ’friend shoring‘ of ’near shoring‘”, writes Eddie Goldenberg, long time chief of staff to former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien. For Canada, he thinks “a China strategy– not only for the next sound bite…but for the longer term—requires clear-eyed analysis, thoughtful debate and public understanding. Yet this is hard to find today in the media and in Parliament.”
Published: March 16, 2023 Written by: Yuen Pau Woo
"Public Safety Minster Marco Mendicino has launched a consultation on a proposed foreign influence transparency registry (FITA) and is seeking feedback on six specific questions. Unfortunately, they are the wrong questions. We should instead be looking at the problems the registry is trying to address and asking if the proposed solution creates more harm than good."
Published: May 12, 2023 Written by: Marco Carnelos
"French President Emmanuel Macron‘s recent visit to China, and his statements to the media, have introduced some doubt on the chances of a unanimous and quick European alignment behind the increasingly assertive US policy towards China. The latest to raise concerns was UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly, who noted: “It would be clear and easy - perhaps even satisfying - for me to declare a new cold war and say that our goal is to isolate China … clear, easy, satisfying and wrong, because it would be a betrayal of our national interest and a willful misunderstanding of the modern world.”
Published: May 12, 2023 Written by: Don Pittis
Labelled "global fragmentation," the issue was raised at a recent International Monetary Fund meeting in Washington, D.C. The current Canadian dispute may represent a further fracturing of the world into competing trade blocs that will not only make us all poorer, but impede crucial talks on shared global threats, including climate change and artificial intelligence.
Published: April 17, 2023 Written by: Christopher Mott
"Understanding democratism’s hold over the Western governing elite is vital for explaining the unique hostility found in so much of foreign policy commentary towards a soberer and more realistic appraisal of the world."
| Saturday, 27 May 2023 | 14:00 to 15:00 EDT | Room X106, Executive Learning Centre, Schulich School of Business, York University
This event is presented as part of Congress 2023 at York University. Conference registration is required to attend this event.
Geopolitical tensions between China and the West (United States in particular) were already rising ominously, as such the field literally does not look the same now and down the road. In the meantime, the horizon of topics of study and methods has significantly broadened, and cooperation with scholars in China has been raised to a higher and more productive level over the past two decades. Against this backdrop, the Luce/ACLS Program in China Studies organized the China Studies Advisory Group in 2020–21, which identified
issues, conducted research, drew implications and made recommendations in a report that summarizes the Group‘s findings and reflections, namely, China Studies in North America: A Report on Survey Research by the Luce/ACLS Advisory Group. This roundtable is meant to introduce this discussion to the Canadian context, and help reflect on evolution of this field, anticipate future demand and challenges as well as address diversity and inclusion in China Studies in Canada.
Published: Feb 15, 2023 Written by: Jenny Chan
"This article analyzes labor informality in the Chinese platform economy. Drawing on participant observation at a parcel delivery station in Beijing, the author discusses how individual and family lives are impacted by the hectic world of logistics work, and indeed, how companies have increased cost competitiveness through driving exploitation into forms hidden within the household. Migrant family members frequently assist each other by calling customers and wrapping parcels while their unpaid labor is subsidizing the company’s business operations. Although the spheres of production and social reproduction can sometimes be integrated in cities, they confront precarious work and unequal urban citizenship.
Dr. Lily Cho‘s book, Mass Capture: Chinese Head Tax and the Making of Non-Citizens, was
recently awarded Outstanding Achievement in the Multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary category by the Association for Asian American Studies. Mass Capture focuses on an extraordinary collection of Chinese Canadian head tax certificates known as "CI 9s", the first mass use of identification photography in Canada used to track movements of thousands of Chinese migrants. Drawing from this archive, Lily‘s research explores the relationship between citizenship, photography and anticipation as a mode of agency, while reclaiming the CI 9s as more than documents of racist repression. The book is open access and you can read it at this link:
https://oer.pressbooks.pub/masscapture/front-matter/contents/or visit the SSHRC-funded project
page: https://masscapture.ca/
| Produced in partnership with students from the Langara College Design Formation department, Raised in Chinatown is a special lobby exhibit at the Chinatown Storytelling Centre exploring Chinese Canadian youth culture in Vancouver from the 1910s to 1960s.
On from January 15, 2023 to June 12, 2023.
Published: May 13, 2023 Written by:Winston Szeto
"A descendant of Chinese labourer Wing Chung was surprised to learn from an obituary that he was present at the Last Spike ceremony symbolizing the completion of the Canadian Pacific Railway which was portrayed as a mostly all-white affair."