CCF News Bulletin for Thurs, May 18th
Canada-China Focus
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Historical Reflections
On June 23, 2023, the Honourable Senator Yuen Pau Woo, the Honourable Senator Victor Oh and Action! Chinese Canadians Together (ACCT) Foundation will be hosting a National Remembrance event in the Senate of Canada Chamber on the 100th anniversary of the enactment of the Chinese Exclusion Act in Canada.

This event is an opportunity to recognize the longstanding relationship between Chinese Canadians and Indigenous Peoples in Canada, to enhance a sense of pride and belonging, and to take action against racism.
Policy Analyses

The Conversation: "NATO should tread carefully in Southeast Asia, where memories of colonialism linger"

Published: May 29, 2023
Written by: Shaun Narine

"Southeast Asians‘ perception of a predatory international system is based on their experiences with European colonialism. Their focus on protecting state sovereignty is directly linked to this history. Their stated preference is to build economic and diplomatic connections to manage regional conflict."





The Tyee: "The Real Lessons from the Phoney Chinese Election Interference Scandal"

Published: May 25, 2023
Written by: Michael Harris

"The man who insisted on a public inquiry to lay bare the facts of this dubious story simply didn’t want to know them himself. Because perhaps then he would have to deal with another inconvenient truth laid out by Johnston. “The challenge is this: what has allowed me to determine whether there was in fact interference cannot be publicly discussed.” In other words, Poilievre couldn’t proceed with his campaign of innuendo and slander."
On Peace, Environment, and Labour

Bloomberg: "Solar and EV Booms Push China Toward Energy Tipping Point"

Published: May 30, 2023
Written by: Dan Murtaugh

"Nation‘s transition is nearing a crucial stage where fossil fuel use falls into long-term decline."




The Globe and Mail: "Opinion, The precarity of being Chinese in Canada"

Published: May 27, 2023
Written by: Henry Tsang

"I didn’t ask to be born Chinese. I came out that way because my mother is, and my father was. I’m pretty sure they didn’t ask to be Chinese either, it just happened to them. Where I was born, it was not a strange thing to be Chinese. The Indian people, however, had a much tougher time of it in Hong Kong, as some Chinese were not always pleasant nor polite to them. The white British had a much easier time, privileged to be part of the colonial power structure, literally handed opportunities that others could only dream of."





Position Journal: "Cultures of Labor in Contemporary China"

Released May 1, 2023
Volume 31, Issue 2

About the Journal: "Offering a fresh approach to Asia scholarship, positions develops theoretical, philosophical, historical, and critical approaches in a forum open to debate. In expansive scholarly articles, commentaries, poetry, visual art, and political and philosophical debates, contributors consider a broad variety of pressing questions."
Updates from CCF:

In case you missed it: Brophy's presentation is up on the CCF website

Last Wednesday we hosted an online discussion with Australian author David Brophy speak about his book China Panic: Australia‘s Alternative to Paranoia and Pandering (Black Inc. 2021). Stay tuned for more upcoming events from CCF!
Of Interest

iAffairs, Book Review "The Dean of Shandong : Confessions of a Minor Bureaucrat at a Chinese University by Daniel A. Bell"

Published: May 30, 2023
Written by: Saralee Turner

"At the outset, Bell declares his stated purpose of writing the book, to dedemonize China.  He has patiently and with good humour explained how the Chinese political system works and how he managed to ’stumble‘ his way through his five-year deanship making the kind of mistakes everyone makes when they are in unfamiliar territory.  In addition, one can pick up along the way an outline of the history of Confucian thought and learn about the Chinese as a civilization, not simply a nation state or a political entity."