Tri-Cities LIP Connects | November Events: Consultations & Indigenous Voices
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Promoting welcoming communities where immigrants can fully participate and are included in their community

This newsletter connects newcomers and service providers to community resources, events and initiatives that support their inclusion and participation in the Tri-Cities.
Please share with your teams and networks.








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Remembrance Day 2021

The Remembrance Day Ceremony has played a major role in Remembrance since 1931. Every year, at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, we gather in memorial parks, community halls, workplaces, and schools to stand in honour of all who have fallen. Pandemic restrictions have meant smaller ceremonies, virtual ceremonies, or cancellations. CBC, CTV and Global will broadcast the Ceremony live on TV from Ottawa at the National War Memorial starting at 7:30 am and the Ceremony live on TV from Vancouver at Victory Square starting at 10:30 am. 
Photo by Chris Sansbury/Unsplash





Diverse Leaders Tri-Cities - Community Consultation for Organizations

November 9 @ 2:00 – 3:30pm. The Diverse Leaders Tri-Cities Project aims to support organizations through all stages of development, implementation, and progress measurement of inclusion plans tailored to meet organization’s individual needs. The Community Consultation will be an opportunity for organizations to share about their Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) needs.

The Diverse Leaders Tri-Cities will guide organizations along the necessary steps to meaningfully implement inclusive policies, including providing support with readiness assessment, capacity building training for leaders, development and implementation of an inclusion plan, peer support and individual coaching, outcome assessment, and long-term planning.

Presented by TCLIP, in partnership with The Inclusion Project




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Indigenous Voices, Community Action

November 18 @ 7:00pm. Come to City Centre Library for an evening of truth and learning presented by Indian Residential School Survivors Society (IRSSS). 

Presented in partnership with Coquitlam Heritage and TCLIP.




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S.UC.C.E.S.S.’ Virtual Health Fair

S.U.C.C.E.S.S.'s annual Health Fair will be held virtually this year on Sundays November 7, and November 14, from 2:00 - 4:30pm. Featuring 12 talks in Cantonese and Mandarin, the Health Fair invites physicians, nurses, and healthcare professionals to provide current and relevant information on various health topics. Topics this year include dementia and caregiver supports, chronic pain management, oral health for children, eye diseases, the COVID-19 pandemic, and cardiac disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
 Sessions will be live streamed on Zoom and YouTube. 




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#Every Shot Matters campaign

The purpose of the campaign is to dispel misinformation and to help increase vaccine confidence through language-specific, culturally-sensitive messaging which targets underserved / disproportionately impacted newcomer communities, in particular Arabic, Spanish and Somali communities in the Fraser Health Region. Video messages and promotional materials were produced for the campaign. The promotional materials can be found here while the video messages can be found here.

Presented by Fraser Health Authority in partnership with Options Community Services.
Photo by CDC/Unsplash




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National Forum on Anti-Asian Racism

The National Forum on Anti-Asian Racism: Building Solidarities will bring together students, staff, faculty and academic leaders, as well as community partners, to engage in a timely and open dialogue about anti-Asian racism in Canada‘s post-secondary education sector. This two-day event, on November 9 and 10th, will build on the important work initiated by the University of British Columbia at its inaugural National Forum on Anti-Asian Racism in June 2021.
This forum will be virtual and open free of charge to everyone. There will be live panel discussions, moderated conversations, interviews, keynote remarks and engaging breakout and workshop sessions.

Photo by Jessica Irani/Unsplash




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Past and Present: A Conversation about Race in BC (Coquitlam Public Library – City Centre Branch)

A five-part speaker series to educate participants on how to better understand the struggles of everyday society. Each 90-minute session will focus on a particular cultural group. You can participate in each of these events either in person or via Zoom.

Early Immigrants

Wednesday, October 27 6:30 - 8:00pm | Specifically focusing on Chinese, Japanese and Punjabi immigrants. You will learn about their year of arrival and why they came, what industries they worked in when they arrived, and what experiences they dealt with, including legal rights and discrimination.

Black History

Wednesday, November 17 6:30 - 8:00pm | The third session will focus on Black History in BC. The speakers for this session include Stephanie Allen, a Board Member of Hogan’s Alley Society; Valerie Jerome, a former Olympian, educator and political activist; and Vanessa Richards, an artist and community activist.

Human Rights, Systemic Racism & Discrimination

Wednesday, December 08 6:30 - 8:00pm | BC’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner leads this informative, interactive workshop on discrimination under BC’s Human Rights Code, the work of the Office as well as some discussion on addressing systemic racism.





Talking to Loved ones About Seniors Living

Tri-Cities Seniors’ Action Society (TCSAS). October 28 @ 11am. Have a positive conversation with those you love about their seniors living options. Get practical advice and discuss 5 strategies for successful conversations, why these conversations are so important, how to get ready to talk, and what led to the decision of having these conversations with your loved ones.


What’s up Doc?: Long Term Care

Tri-Cities Seniors’ Action Society. October 26 @ 6:00 - 7:30pm. Join this free event for information and discussion around Long Term Care in BC. In attendance will be a panel of physicians who will be able to answer any questions you may have about the prospect of accessing Long Term Care for yourself or a loved one. “What’s Up Doc” is hosted by the Fraser Northwest Division of Family Practice.


The Men's Shed Movement

TCSAS. November 2 @ 3:00pm. Men’s Sheds are open to all men regardless of age, background or ability. It is a place where you can share your skills and knowledge with others, learn new skills or redevelop your old skills. The purpose is to advance health and well-being of members and foster positive engagement within their community. Join this session to learn how the movement, which started in Australia in the 1990’s, has expanded to many countries, including Canada.

Photo (L-R): Photo by Brett Sayles/Pexels; Photo by National Cancer Institute/;
Photo by Sebastian Huxley on Unsplash








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Introduction to Non-Profit Subsidized Housing (Mandarin)

S.U.C.C.E.S.S. November 17 @ 10:00 - 11:30am. Contents: What is non-profit organization subsidized housing How to apply Rental Assistance Programs for seniors Eligible Participants: Permanent Residents, Protected Persons, Convention Refugees and Live-in Caregivers. 

Photo by Pixabay/Pexels





Digital Literacy: Google Maps & Google Translate 

ISSofBC. Oct 27 and Dec 4 @ 10am - 12pm | Utilize free online tools for navigation and translation. Navigate streets with traffic, explore your city by finding things to do and places to eat. Translate between 108 languages through text, camera, conversations and more.
Register by emailing

Digital Literacy – How to Use Online Banking

ISSofBC. October 29 @ 1:30 - 2:30pm | Are you an immigrant or a refugee interested to learn: what is online banking, advantages of online banking, and how to access online banking and its features?

Register by emailing:

Digital Literacy Workshop: B.C. vaccine card

ISSofBC. November 9 @ 2:00 - 4:00pm | Learn how to obtain the B.C. vaccine card The Provincial Health Office (PHO), has announced that proof of vaccination is required to access select events, services and businesses.

Register by contacting
Photo (L-R): Photo by Ingo Joseph/Pexels; Photo by; Photo by David Dvořáček/Unsplash




Monday Basic Conversation Circle

ISSofBC. November 1 @ 10:00 - 11:00am | Recurring Event. Learn simple words and expressions, ask and answer basic questions, and make new friends!  For permanent residents (PR),  refugees (Government assisted & privately sponsored), and protected persons. Register by emailing:

Tuesday Eve. Online Conversation Circle

ISSofBC. November 2 @ 6:30pm - 7:30 pm | Recurring Event. Learn new words and phrases, make new friends and practice English together. For permanent residents, refugees (Government assisted & privately sponsored), or protected persons.
Register by emailing:

In-Person English Conversation Circles

MOSAIC. November 2. Beginners Level from 4:30 - 6:00pm Intermediate Level from 6:10 - 7:40pm. Join every Tuesday & Thursday starting November 2nd to: Practice your English, meet and talk to new people, and learn more about life in Canada. Registration open until October 26th. Register by emailing:





Financial Literacy (Persian)

ISSofBC. November 10 @ 1:00 - 3:00pm | Budgeting, 
investment options, government benefits, loans and funding, building your credit history, debt handling strategies, and more. Register by emailing

Newcomers & Income Tax

Port Moody Public Library. November 17 @ 7:00pm - 8:00pm. Learn about benefits, credits, and deductions you could be eligible for, and how not to miss out of any of them, as well as the new Canada Recovery Benefits, including eligibility and applying. Register here.

Childcare Resources for Parents with Young Children

ISSofBC. October 29 @ 12:30pm - 2:00pm | Looking for daycare for your child? Do you want to apply for childcare subsidy? Join for more information and meet new friends. Session in English with Arabic interpretation. Register by emailing
Photos (L-R): Photo by Mikhail Nilov/Pexels; Photo by Olga DeLawrence/; Photo by Jerry Wang/Unsplash




Healthy Relationships Workshop

MOSAIC. November 20 @ 10:30am - 12:00pm. Informative and educational workshop for newcomers in Canada to cope with challenges of settlement, mental health and well-being. Learn about Canada‘s system of justice and many more topics to help you build healthy relationships and happily settle in Canada. Register by emailing

University Admission Requirements in Canada (Korean)

ISSofBC. November 27 @ 2:00-3:30pm. The speaker is educational consultant, Elaine Chu. Topics include: how to maintain a good GPA, competitive extracurricular activities during pandemics, and successful personal profiles on applications. Register by emailing:

Canadian Citizenship Test Preparations

ISSofBC. Oct 30, Nov 06, Nov 13 @ 11:00am - 1:00 pm. Topics to be covered are based on Discover Canada. Get prepared for the test by practicing 400 questions and answers. Register here. 









Foreign Credential Recognition Process for Architects

S.U.C.C.E.S.S. October 26 @ 3:00 – 4:30pm. A Case Manager from FCR Loan Project will give an overview of the Foreign Credential Recognition (FCR) Process for Architects in BC. If you were an architect in your home country and want to find out how you can benefit from the FCR Loan Project, come join this session.


Foreign Credential Recognition Process for Accountants

S.U.C.C.E.S.S. November 4 @ 2:00 – 3:30pm. A Case Manager from FCR Loan Project will provide an overview of the FCR Process for Accountants in BC. If you were an accountant in your home country and want to find out how you can benefit from the FCR Loan Project, come join this information session.

Photo (L-R): Photo by Pedro Miranda/Unsplash; Photo by Mikhail Nilov/Pexels




Job Search Tips (English)

October 29 3:30 - 5:00 pm.
Looking for work? Come join us and learn effective job search tips such as utilizing online job boards, building professional connections, being aware of job scams, and more.

Presented by S.U.C.C.E.S.S. in partnership with Vancouver Public Library.

Post-Pandemic Labour Market Trends (Mandarin)  

November 2 @ 10:30am - 12:00pm. Topics: working during Covid-19, high opportunity occupations, and WorkBC services & locations in the Tri-Cities. Priority to PR, protected persons, and live-in caregivers. BC residents only. Email or complete the online form for registration. Presented by S.U.C.C.E.S.S. in partnership with WorkBC.




Career Paths for Skilled Immigrants – Construction and Engineering 

ISSofBC will hold two virtual info sessions about the Career Paths for Skilled Immigrants. This session is for those with Construction or Engineering work experience trying to return to their field in BC. The relevant occupations include: Construction Managers, Civil Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, and Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Will be held on Zoom on Nov 16 @ 6:00 - 7:00pm. Repeats every two weeks on Tuesday.

Career Paths for Skilled Immigrants – Trained Technology Professionals 

ISSofBC. Nov 16 @ 6:00 - 7:00pm | If you have 1-3 years pre-arrival work experience in 1 of the 4 occupations below and want to return to work in your field in BC, you may be eligible for Career Paths. Occupations include: Computer Network Technicians, Information Systems Analysts & Consultants, Software Engineers & Designers, Computer Programmers & Interactive Media Developers. Repeats every two weeks on Tuesday. 




Career Paths for Skilled Immigrants-Education & Social Services

Douglas College. November 8 @ 10:00 - 11:00am. Provides clients with valuable tools and resources to understand and successfully navigate the labour market. An overview of all the specialized services available to clients will also be provided. This session is open to service providers, immigrant serving organizations and foreign trained Social and Community Service Workers, University, College and Vocational Instructors, Early Childhood Educators and ECE Teaching Assistants.

Legal Administrative Assistant Information Night

Capilano University. November 3 and 17 @ 6:30pm | Legal administrative assistants are in demand! This exciting career is an excellent choice for someone interested in the law who enjoys a fast-paced, dynamic environment. Come meet some Capilano University instructors! 





Technology Together 2021

AMSSA. November 17, 2021 @ 10:00 am–4:00 pm. Theme: Overcoming Career Obstacles in Tech - A Virtual Conference for BC Newcomers. In this free conference, you will: learn skills, strategies and innovative ideas to get hired and promoted; hear stories of breakthrough and success from newcomer tech workers; and connect directly with tech employers. 

Photo by Marvin Meyer/Unsplash





Career Generator Employment Program

Douglas College, begins on November 1, 2021. Those who are eligible include: those who are unemployed or precariously employed (part-time, casual, seasonal); survivors of domestic violence, workplace harassment, or personal trauma; BC residents & Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents or Protected Persons eligible to work. Attendees will experience a number of benefits from participating in this program. Interested individuals email:
Photo by









The Get Canada Connected Coalition

Millions of people across the country lack reliable high-speed Internet access – especially in rural, remote, Indigenous, and low income communities. The Get Canada Connected Coalition welcomes civil society groups, businesses, academics and experts to join for changes that mend Canada’s digital divide. 


Immigrant Integration During & After the Covid-19 Pandemic: Government & NGO Plans to Support Integration Success

November 1 @ 9:00 am - 12:30 pm. AMSSA. Hybrid event: in-person at UBC Robson Square Theatre 800 Robson Street, Vancouver or online. Topics include: fostering economic development for newcomer youth and adults, and community and government roles and partnerships.

Photos (L-R): Photo by NASA/; Photo by Shona Corsten/Unsplash





Introduction to WorkSafeBC: Rules & Processes for Settlement Agencies & Support Workers

Oct 27, 2021 10:00am-12pm. Workshops and information for settlement agencies and their support workers to help migrant workers understand and exercise their rights and receive benefits they are entitled to as workers in BC as they relate to workplace health and safety. Participants will learn more about the Workers Compensation Act, Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Regulations, claims, and other WorkSafeBC-related services and benefits.

Presented by WorkSafeBC in partnership with AMSSA.

Photo by Anna Tarazevich/Pexels





Reporting on the child welfare system

This is the last session in IndigiNews' three-day journalism workshop, conducted on Oct 25 to 27, that touches on topics such as decolonizing journalists, trauma-informed practices, and basic journalism skills. Learn how to work with people with lived experience, hold folks in powerful positions to account, and practice in a trauma-informed way. Oct 27 @ 10am-12pm.









What are Your Thoughts on the Collection of Race-Based Data? 

Your community has an opportunity to share their thoughts on the collection of race-based data and help inform new legislation. Anti-racism data legislation is about better identifying where gaps and barriers exist, so the governments can provide better services for communities. Share the link with your clients and network, and consider accessing funding to create community discussions on the topic. Survey open from September 9 until November 30, 2021. 


Food access among newcomers to Canada - Metro Vancouver

Pacific Immigrant Resources Society (PIRS) in collaboration with the Institute for Sustainable Food Systems at Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU). The main goal of this project is to advance service providers' understanding of food access, unique needs of newcomers to Canada and their interest in local food system participation. The results will help with advocating for food policy related to refugees and immigrants, as well as provide appropriate resources that may help them navigate through new food environments in a new country. The survey is available in English, Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, French, Punjabi, Spanish, Tagalog and Vietnamese. 

Photos (L-R): Photo by Myriam Jessier/Unsplash; Photo by Greta Hoffman/Pexels 








Health Equity Research

B.C. Ministry of Citizens‘ Services released a report on Health Equity Research about how government can better provide equitable access to health care services and information to underserved communities in BC.

BC Seniors‘ Guide: 12th Edition

Print copies are available in English, Chinese, French, Punjabi, Farsi, Korean and Vietnamese. All languages can be accessed online in PDF format. 

Nobel winner David Card proves immigrants don‘t reduce the wages of native-born workers. 

How libraries can help newcomers adjust to life in Canada.

Kingston group shares best practices for youth refugees arriving alone. 

International students: How to take advantage of Canada‘s Post-Graduation Work Permit Program.

How We Talk about Migration: The Link between Migration Narratives, Policy, and Power. 

Are employers shirking responsibility in integrating foreign professionals?




For additional immigrant and settlement related resources, visit our website




Share your event or initiative with us!

News items featured in the e-newsletter are sourced, provided to us by our partners or accessed through open data sources. To include your news and events in our next update, please email the TCLIP Team.










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