TCLIP Updates (March)
![TCLIP Updates (March)]() |
This newsletter provides updates on the projects TCLIP is working on and information about upcoming events that we will be hosting. It serves as a platform to inform you about our latest developments, initiatives, and opportunities.
In March, the Tri-Cities Local Immigration Partnership (TCLIP) hosted its quarterly Council Meeting to discuss with community partners its strategic priorities and vision for the next fiscal year.
The meeting discussed some strategies that TCLIP could follow to better involve employers in workplace inclusion projects and enhance service providers' capacity to effectively assist newcomers to achieve meaningful employment and career growth. Community partners were also asked to offer their feedback on improving our communication strategies and finding ways to share our resources, such as the Anti-Racism Tool, to help newcomers have better access to them.
The meeting ended with an open discussion on the role of the Council and challenges and/or opportunities partners see for it.
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TCLIP also hosted the last Tri-Cities Together Working Group for 2023-2024. The meeting involved a discussion between TCLIP members and service providers from partner organizations about building allyship in the community in our effort to fighting systemic racism and promoting tolerance and understanding.
The meeting also delved into conversations regarding the anti-racism engagement with the Port Moody Police Department. Funded by the Resilience BC Anti-Racism Network, and in partnership with the Port Moody Police Department, TCLIP has developed an anti-racism initiative to strengthen Tri-Cities communities' capacity to respond to incidents of racism. As part of this initiative, TCLIP delivered the Anti-Racism Talk in October 2023 and developed, in partnership with law enforcement and representatives from equity-deserving groups, an anti-racism responsiveness tool. To access the tool, please click on the button below.
Learn more
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Hearts Unbound: Unveiling Anti-Oppression Insights with the Warmth of Resilience
On March 8th, TCLIP hosted the Hearts Unbound: Unveiling Anti-Oppression Insights with the Warmth of Resilience forum. This event celebrated two years of a transformative journey of learning, empathy, and community building with the Anti-oppression Capacity Building Project. Project participants and community members had the opportunity to come together and reflect on our collective achievements and future goals in integrating an anti-oppressive lens into the services we provide.
The event began with a story of resilience shared by Indigenous storyteller, educator, and published author Kung Jadee. This was followed by a workshop led by Chelsea Angeles and Johanna Suttor-Doerksen, which encouraged participants to reflect on how identity shapes us and our resilience through activities like writing, drawing, and movement.
Following this first
section, Xiaoyang Luo delivered a presentation discussing findings and insights from the evaluation of the TCLIP Anti-Oppression Capacity-Building project. This presentation provided an opportunity to explore how capacity-building activities in this project have heightened awareness, knowledge, and skills among frontline practitioners and agency leaders in immigrant-serving organizations.
Community facilitator Luna Aixin then concluded the event by guiding participants through a gentle, heartful, and reflective exercise to bridge what we have learned through this project to acknowledge the journey we have come thus far, and to envision a future that is liberated from oppression, for ourselves and our communities.
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Art of Strength: Red Egg
Prior to the Hearts Unbound forum, TCLIP also organized an interactive workshop titled "Art of Strength: Red Egg." Hosted by artist and facilitator Luna Aixin, participants joined a casual art-making and discussion workshop about migration journeys, with a focus on remembering their cultures and stories, while also cultivating hope, resilience, and new beginnings.
Luna guided participants through this experience to share their migration and resilience stories and their relationship with their cultural practice of using “Red Eggs” to symbolize hope, resilience, new beginnings, and good luck. The workshop revolved around the idea of eggs and birth to relate and find meaning with participants' stories of struggles and strivings so that they may find ways toward a hopeful future.
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The Growing Together: Inclusive Mentorship program is a new initiative dedicated to creating an inclusive and transformative opportunity for co-mentorship between professionals from equity-deserving communities and local mentors who are knowledgeable about career building and fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment through cultural and knowledge exchanges.
This is a unique initiative that will see mentors connecting and supporting individuals (mentees) from equity-deserving communities in ways that celebrate diversity, inclusion and reciprocity. This pilot program is rooted in solidarity, reciprocity and a caring approach in which mentors and mentees can support each other to strengthen their leadership abilities and increase their professional and personal development and growth.
This mentorship pilot was first launched in collaboration with the
City of Coquitlam in 2023. We received an overwhelming response with 91 applications. It then became clear to TCLIP that we needed to reach out to the expertise of multiple community stakeholders beyond the collaboration with the City of Coquitlam.
Hence, TCLIP is currently engaging partnerships with other organizations to be a part of this exciting mentorship pilot. This is a transformative opportunity to foster professional growth within your staff, to act on your organization‘s JEDI commitments, and build a bridge between your staff and local professionals from equity-deserving backgrounds including newcomers, who face systemic barriers to meaningful employment and need support and guidance.
If you are interested in partnering with TCLIP and would like to know more information about the program features, expected outcomes, and commitments, please contact TCLIP
Project Coordinator Natasha Camacho at natasha.camacho@success.bc.ca.
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For additional immigrant and settlement related resources, visit our website
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